Insider’s Guide to Securing a Literary Agent

Insider’s Guide to Securing a Literary Agent

Are you frustrated by how hard it is to get the attention of literary agents?

After Endless Submissions and Countless Rejections, Here’s How We Got Agents to Respond!

Insider’s Guide to Securing a Literary Agent


Are you sick of sending out your query letter or manuscript day after day and getting ignored? I hear you! (Been there, done that myself!) Agents are overwhelmed with submissions, are pickier (that’s right more subjective) than ever, and are all-to-eager to toss your manuscript aside.

FACT: Many major literary agencies receive between 1,000 and 5,000 submissions a month. That’s over 100 queries a day. No one can keep up with that! Of those1,000 queries an agency might request to see more work from 15… and then sign only one or two in any given quarter.

And this figure isn’t something we made up…it isn’t even our own research.

This is straight from the agent’s mouth via several blogs on

So, let’s say you bust your hump and get your manuscript out to 50 agents worth their salt. There’s only a 1 in 100 chance on any given day yours will even get read at all!

Okay, given the skimpy odds, how do I get my query letter actually read and even have a chance to be in the game for publication?

Because it’s easier than ever in the digital age for the “average Joe” with a laptop to crank out a manuscript (good or bad), agents are simply overwhelmed.

Is there a system or “hack” that will give your manuscript the attention from a good agent it deserves?

Great question! There IS a way, and that’s exactly what this page is all about…


Insider’s Guide to Securing a Literary Agent


I have been there! I feel your pain. I have personally written dozens of queries, (accumulated dozens of rejections) talked to many agents, have many now-famous Best Selling Author friends and colleagues (hello Elizabeth Gilbert, hello Cheryl Strayed, hello Dani Shapiro!) who have broken the barrier!

So rather than despair, I got to work…

Through trial-and-error, interviews with successful authors, and countless hours of tweaking my process, I finally broke through the nearly-impossible barrier.

Through that journey, I developed this insider’s guide to securing a literary agent. Sure, there’s lots of “Free” advice out there on the internet, but what you want is INSIDER knowledge that saves you the TIME and SWEAT of figuring it out yourself! So we created this comprehensive guide to help you break through, get an agent to respondand take you through that next major step toward publication!!

But What If I’m Not Finished With My Book?

Do I Even Need This Information Yet?

Maybe you don’t need an agent right this minute, but you WILL… if you want to get your writing published and out in the world in a significant way!

When I finished “breaking the agent code,” I was left with a simple, easy-to-follow “Insider’s Guide” that incorporated all my best practices.

Here’s a sampling of what’s covered in this guide…

  • The 6 most common query letter mistakes AND HOW TO AVOID THEM!
  • The proper 4 paragraph TEMPLATE for a successful query letter that actually GETS READ!
  • The OTHER person you need to get through to FIRST – before the agent – and exactly how to do it with one line
  • The NECESSARY 8 STEPS to take along your journey to publication
  • Insider tips on how to save literally THOUSANDS OF HOURS chasing random agent leads!

You are going to love this and it’s going to be super helpful or you get your money back within 30 days.

Insider’s Guide to Securing a Literary Agent


Enjoy. Thanks so much and to your writing (and being) success,


I'm here to help you write brilliantly!

I'm Albert Flynn Desilver


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Albert Flynn DeSilver